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Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's Just a Meeting! Isn't it?

In this piece of article, I am covering a subject which is most deprioritized in the corporate world – “What do you do for a Meeting”. Do you start by thinking that this is one of the weakest topics covered in my writing? That’s my point!

Let’s begin with this example. Marketing Team sends a meeting invite to everyone, including the CEO, which says “Discussion on Next Quarter Calendar” for tomorrow. What do you do? Accept the Invite. And then, be present for the meeting right on time. Do you think something is missing? No? Ok. Let’s begin the meeting. The CEO before the start of the meeting, does think that there’s something missing. He asks all the people present in the room – “How prepared are you for the meeting?”. What kind of answers do you expect from the group? Some examples as below:

·          It’s a discussion , right? What Preparation for a discussion? Will speak up as the discussion unfolds
·         I don’t think there was anything to be prepared for / The topic didn’t require any preparation
·         My Boss is there, he will ensure the discussions happen in the right direction.
·         It's about Way Forward – you have to speak and we have to listen, what preparation?
·         I have the sales database for past few years readily available on my laptop. Can take out relevant data as soon as required.
·         We will discuss today and will come prepared in the next meeting with the action points.

Whatever words you use or don't use, the underlying tone is that you think you will (actively or silently) go through the meeting without any preparations. It’s a Large forum and no hard questions are asked to “an” individual. But do you even realize what happens in the meetings – people with unprepared thoughts speak about unreal facts stating unclear numbers resulting in no next steps. The entire two or three hours of every person present in the meeting, is wasted! Something more criminal that wasting only your day unproductively. Did you even think why you are called for the meeting? If you believe that you will not contribute to the meeting, can you decline the invitation?

Over a period of time, it becomes a culture. Just see its evolution:
a.      You have never felt the need to be prepared for any meeting.
b.      As described above, the meetings become unproductive with no clear next steps.
c.       So, there are more meetings, to follow up on what have to be the next steps (or whether the next steps discussed in the last meeting were relevant or not).
d.      Because there are more meetings for you to attend, you have even lesser time to think of any preparation for these meetings.
e.      The vicious cycle just started!
And then, there are things called “fake preparations”, which are just the preparations for the heck of it. Over the years I have often made fun of my advertising agencies coming unprepared for the meetings. Their big bosses will come for meetings with no clue of what the brand objective was for the latest campaign. Often I would joke that the presentation made by them was actually prepared in the car drive. The other one was that they would have prepared a presentation for a new MNC and recycled the same to a seasoned Indian company. All these would seem so fake and one thing was clear that in all of these meetings we would not achieve the required results. This was because the discussion was theoretical and revolved around only one thing, "to sell" what the agency had created. It took the cake recently when a partner brand came and presented their launch strategy in India. In that they showed a clip of the fashion show held in Hong Kong. I was left wondering as to what was the relevance of the same. Again the result was the same. We were not able to reach any agreement on stocking their brand. At this very thought, I realize that there’s something fundamentally not in place in the corporate world! 

With regards to meetings, there are other evils too. Some people just forget that they had to come for a meeting! And when the meeting starts and you enquire about the whereabouts of the person, they tell you, “Oh I had this sudden plan of travelling to ABC city, I “forgot” to inform you”. No, I am serious, this is real! Also, something that cannot be measured but is equally important – attentiveness in the meetings. I have always said (or demonstrated) that the productivity of the meeting is directly proportional to the attentiveness of the Boss.

Like Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail!”. This holds true in each and every aspect of our lives and meetings are no exceptions, more because along with our own, it also involves the time and “opportunity” cost of all the attendees of the meeting, some of whom may be high cost resources. Chances are, that some of you may relate to some of the excuses mentioned above. Just think about it that you are being called to a meeting because your PoVs is important to be considered for the meeting.

So the final question is  – Do you justify your presence in a meeting?

Now on, you should! Looking forward to what are you Points of View on this topic.

PS: you can also reach me out at @agrawalsanjeev on twitter.


  1. Dear Sir,
    Several thoughts ran thru mind reading your thoughts. Some negative some positive but yes the thought is so true to our lives and culture we are in, I can’t deny that at all.
    One best thing I picked up from you was Samvaad. A meeting point where all thoughts are free and open, I use it still in my area and we enjoy speaking and the executing with free mind.


  2. In a corporate today if one is not in a meeting, there would be something wrong. One is pulled into meetings of all kind at an extremely short notice so I wonder what kind of preparations one can do. However, for a way forward kind of meeting, there has to be enough preparation unless people have an experience of preparing and not getting to contribute ( can happen if the meeting is for the boss to lay out what he wants..). btw I have used 6 hats effectively in all our meetings during my corporate days and they were extremely short and highly productive meetings.
