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Saturday, May 21, 2011

I pray not for a lighter load, but for a stronger back

This thought is based on a Jewish proverb – “I pray not for a lighter load, but for a stronger back”. I am trying a different approach this time. There are two stories – one which is pictorial and is the inspiration of the thought and the other one is a real life example.

Let’s see how the first story goes:

Do you think we all go through this in our lives? We want our burden to be lessened only to realize that we finally did not achieve our goal. Coming back to modern era and corporate life!

Neeta was furious. Her Boss, Anil, had given her yet another assignment, even though he knew that Neeta already had quite a few assignments in her hands which were nearing deadline. She tried her level best explaining Anil that she just could not take any more projects at this point in time, but Anil just wouldn’t agree. He kept on insisting that Neeta was the best resource available to complete the new project. Neeta was not left with any option but to take the new project in her hands. Upset still, she tried to approach HR to explain her dilemma expecting some help. The HR head, Riddhi, took Neeta out for coffee and asked her about what was making her so upset. Neeta explained that she had only 3 people in her team, out of which one was on marriage leave for a month. She was reaching home late everyday and the pressures were building from the home front too. At this stage, taking another project in hand would be suicidal. She looked up to Riddhi for solution. Riddhi started, “The first question is whether you believe in yourself? What in the World makes you think that you wont be able to take up this project and deliver it in time?”. Neeta was bewildered. Riddhi went on, “Do you think an upgraded version of the new software available will make your task easier?”, Neeta  replied with a “Maybe”. Riddhi added, “Don’t you think that you will be granted a little more extension of deadlines in other projects to accommodate this one?”. Neeta continued to listen more intently as she was seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. And then Riddhi asked the final question – “Do you think this project is important for your career?” and Neeta admitted that she would’ve lost an opportunity if she didn’t work on this project.  Riddhi continued – “Now, weigh the issue rationally. What is more important – this new learning opportunity which would enhance the trust of your seniors further in her, or living in the current situation without pushing a little more? Also, in a month's time, your team member will be back”. Needless to say, after the conversation, Neeta felt much lighter and confident of handling the new project that she had been assigned.

Isn’t this what happens to many of us? As soon as we reach our threshold of our capacity, we start rejecting the newer avenues that come to us. We helplessly say “No” to things without even asking for additional resources that can help accommodate the new work in a much efficient manner. This way, we not only undermine our potential, but also reject the opportunities which come to us in various forms. At the end of it all, we are the losers ourselves. We crib about being helplessly burdened with so many tasks and responsibilities, while it is these tasks and responsibilities, which will take us to the next level!

The only person who can believe in you the most is no one else but yourself! The farther you set your boundaries, farther you will fare! The question is – Are you ready to carry the load? Are you ready of an extended target? Are you ready for more projects to come your way? If your head says “No”, ask your heart!

Looking forward to your views on the same.

PS: You can also reach me out at @agrawalsanjeev on twitter.


  1. Dear Sir,

    So true as our value "Flow" and "Belief"

    Your thought just vaguely reminded me of Mr. Azim Premji...
    Who once asked his employee how loaded are you with work.
    Employee Replied…40% of my time went into sale coordination, 40% into training and 20% into customer relations.
    Premji asked him…why don’t you continue doing all that and spend additional 20% of your time in Debtor Management?
    Employee Replied….the math did not quite add up.
    Premji replied…That is precise the point only when you are 120 per cent loaded will you be 100 per cent effective.


  2. Very nice thoughts sir and very well written.I'm inspired once again.

  3. Sir ji, Thanks for the insights - how to be more supportive while assigning task/project.

  4. Pictorial depiction of a powerful thought is indeed very unique and coveys the thought in a simple but effective manner. Many a time opportunities and precious time is lost just imagining enormity of task , while the moot point is breaking the task into achievable mile stones."I pray not for a lighter load but , a stronger back " inspiring blog indeed.
